Fundraising is closed!
Thanks to all fascinated!Galina is healthy!
Galina is being treated for acute leukemia. The treatment is in full swing currently and requires a lot of money. Parents raised a second credit. In April and May, Galina will need another medicine of “Onkaspar”, which will strengthen her chances for a full recovery. Cost 20,000 UAH
Galina, 20 years old,, Vyshgorod city |
Cherished dream: | people who never betray each other |
Likes: | baking, “Twilight”, historical books, photos |
Simple dream: | Be healthy |
Diagnosis: | acute leukemia |
Cost of dream | it has been raised 27,568 UAH |
Ребята просто супер!!! Они реально делают благое дело!!! Не всегда у семьи есть такие финансовые возможности, а ребята помогли найти денег на лекарство. Ребята, вы лучшие!!!!
Такая девочка симпатичная и такое несчастье. Пусть выздоравливает!
Галинкино состояние на данный момент стабильно. Но для окончательного выздоровления девочке необходим ещё один препарат “Онкаспар”.
On the April 19th, we are planning to take a charity car quest, on which we plan to raise the deficient amount – more here.
Necessary means
fundraising is finished, thank you!