Nina Nikolova

Thanks to all indifferent minds Nina heard the world!

Nina celebrated her first Birthday in the hospital. During a year, her parents and doctors fought for the girl`s life. Now we need to take another important step – to help Nina hear the World. To do this we should buy Nina hearing aids with the use of Bah`s system.

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Nina, 1 year old,  Nadrechnoe village, Odessa region, Tarutinsky district
Cherished desire: to hear mom`s voice
Likes: mommy, smiling, playing  
Simple dream: to be healthy
Diagnosis: Esophageal atresia (esophagus was not connected to the stomach);
Choanal atresia (nasal passages were not formed);
Atresia of the ear canal and ear.
Cost of her Dream: 50600 UAH (hearing aids, with the use of Bah`s system) – fundraising  has been successfully finished





Necessary means
fundraising is finished, thank you!

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