Happy Family



We are looking for sponsors for the project “Happy Family”!

Guarantee benefits for companies and welfare for the society!


Heart of the problem

Since Ukraine became independent government statistics has registered 55% of

marriages ending up in divorce. The breaking up of families causes emotional stress for couples, children and relatives. The implications are financial and social problems such as homelessness, children growing up as orphans, juvenile delinquency and violence. Marriages do not fail because of financial problems or poor living conditions. People are not prepared for marriage; they don’t know how to set up a family or how to develop a solid foundation for a family. Additionally, many people don’t understand the significance of universal values such al love, trust, respect, loyalty etc.



Maintain family’s integration into society and prevent its crisis displays.


How we work

We organize workshops on how to set up a family and understand the fundamentals necessary for a Happy Family.

Every workshop is 3-4 hours long and takes place twice a month on Saturdays from May to December.

These workshops are directed at local residents, young people, social workers and

representatives of local authorities. About 50 people can participate.

Purposes of the workshops are:

a) to develop an institution (e.g. think-tanks) for family issues in Ukraine;

b) to draw public attention to family issues;

c) to make family related information brought up at workshops available in the regular mass media.

The project is not directed at solving family problems which have always existed but rather at their prevention.

Each meeting should increase positive thinking so that people become aware of the beauty of relationships within a family. The more we’re going to invest into family, the more it is going to meet our expectations.


1. 800 people will participate in regional thematic workshops “Fundamentals of Happy Family.”

2. At least 16-20 materials will be made ready for electronic editions and print media which are connected with family issues, project news and its sponsors.

3. During our project implementation several regional conferences and thematic programs on television will be organized to disseminate information about project’s sponsors and its activities aimed at the development of family institution in Ukraine and family lifestyle promotion.



1. Distribution of promotional materials at workshops among primary audience.

2. Popularization of your brand in print and electronic media, conferences, round tables and other events following the project.

3. Direct participation in the idea development of  business ethical responsibility in Ukraine.

4. Tax allowance



For more details, please contact us:

+38 044 360 89 80

 +38 094 925 59 80

Email: mirfund@gmail.com